ASID Florida West Coast

ASID FLWC 2022 Excellence in Design Competition

Awards Program Dates

Awards Program Open
From: February 25, 2022 12:00AM ESTTo: July 31, 2022 11:59PM EDT
Rules & Regulations

 ASID Florida West Coast Design Competition
2022 Call for Entries 

Benefits for You

For many of our members, the recognition of winning the Design Excellence Award is rewarding in itself.  There are many other ways that winners of the Award can benefit:

  • Winner project images are posted on the ASID Florida West Coast's social media platforms, newsletter, and the ASID FLWC Chapter website.
  • Winners of the prestigious Design Excellence Awards are announced and recognized at the DEA Gala, the Chapter's largest event.
  • One Design Excellence Award trophy or certificate will be presented per category for the 1st Place, 2nd Place, and Honorable Mention categories if awarded.

Entry Requirements

Professional, Allied, Associate, Emerging Professional, Student or Industry Partner members in good standing with the Florida West Coast Chapter are eligible to participate.

ASID members from anywhere in the country can enter and participate even though they are not directly affiliated with the Florida West Coast Chapter.

Non-members of ASID are eligible to participate in one design competition before they are asked to join ASID for future contest submissions.  

Entry Rules

  • Entries must fall under one of the categories listed.
  • The primary designer(s) for the project must meet the above criteria to qualify and the entry registered in that designer's name.
  • Each entry must represent a permanent installation (except Model or Show House category and Student Projects) that was installed after  June 30, 2021
  • Each singular project may only be entered in one category.  Submitting a project in more than one category may result in disqualification.   For example: A kitchen project may not be entered in the Kitchen Traditional category and the Kitchen Transitional category.  Same photos cannot be entered in multiple categories. 
  • One larger design project may be entered in multiple categories.  Using different rooms from the same project may be entered in multiple categories.  For example:  A residential project over 3000 sq ft can be split up in multiple categories such as kitchen design, bath design, and residential transitional design under 3000 sq ft.using the appropriate designated photos for each project entry.
  • Entries receiving previous publicity are eligible.
  • It is the entrant's responsibility to ensure that the materials submitted, as well as the project being considered, meet the rules, regulations, category and eligibility requirements.
  • Entry fees are non-refundable if an entry is disqualified, or if the entry is not uploaded within the given time frame.
  • Entries must adhere to entry requirements and judging criteria.  Failure to comply with these specifications will result in disqualification of entry and forfeiture of the entry fees.
  • Entries will be judged individually and in case of a tie score, in competition with other entrants in each category.

Submission Entry Requirements, Deadlines and Conditions

  • Your complete entry submission will include:  The completed ENTRY FORM, the chosen DESIGN CATEGORY along with the anonymous CONCEPT STATEMENT, anonymous MASTER OF CEREMONIES STATEMENT, PHOTOS, HEAD SHOT, and FLOOR PLAN.
  • Deadline for entrance and submissions is July 31, 2022 at 11:59 p.m. Eastern time.  Late entries will not be accepted.
  • All contest entries must adhere to exact entry requirements and judging criteria.  Failure to comply with these specifications will result in disqualification of entry and forfeiture of the entry fees.
  • Completed Competition Entry Form and 2 anonymous Design Concept Statements.  First, a Design Concept Statement of 1,000 words or less in PDF format to include the project design issues and solutions provided by the Designer(s).  The concept statement must also include how the 'Design Impacts Lives'.  This will be part of the judging criteria and projects not including this will be disqualified.  Secondly, a Consolidated Design Statement of approximately 50 words or less in PDF format to be read by the Master of Ceremonies at the ASID FLWC Design Awards Ceremony.
  • No identifying information about clients or the location of their project, or the designer(s) or other involved parties should not appear on either Design Statement.  They are reviewed by the judges and need to maintain anonymity of the entrant.  Projects that do not maintain anonymity will be disqualified.
  • Complete anonymous project floor plan to scale showing placement of furnishings and location of all architectural features.  Square footage is based on residential livable space or commercial usable space, and should be calculated based on the plans provided to meet category criteria. 
  • For the Miscellaneous: Fixture and Furniture Design category, provide scaled design/schematic drawings, and optional sketches/renderings.
  • All images should be less than 10 MB each and of high resolution (300 ppi).  This is the optimal resolution for printed images of winning projects.  Entrants are not restricted to professional photography, but it is highly encouraged. Photos of less than 300 ppi will not be accepted.
  • Entrants are encouraged but not required to provide anonymous Before Photos (of any resolution) which do not have to be of professional quality.  The optional photos should be from relatively the same vantage point as the after.
  • Ensure that all images are free of any watermarks, titles or descriptions that identify the Designer(s) or Client(s). And also the project's address should not be on the entry.   An exception to this rule would be projects that include a corporate brand or company name/logo as part of the design, but that do not identify/feature individuals.  Project images that do not maintain anonymity will be disqualified.
  • Designer(s) may volunteer additional information about the trades, vendors, showrooms, manufacturers and other parties/sources utilized for the submitted project.  This information will not be visible to the judges.
  • Entrants agree to follow publicity guidelines as established by ASID Florida West Coast and authorize ASID Florida West Coast to use any and all materials submitted for marketing and publicity purposes in perpetuity.
  • All entries are non-refundable.  This includes natural disasters, pandemics, and acts of god.
  • New this year -- we are requiring a headshot.  If you are a winner, your headshot will be possibly used at the awards ceremony or in chapter marketing plans.

Description of some Newer Categories

Under 35 Design Concept

This new award category recognizes excellence in conceptual design among designers under the age of 35.  All design concepts are eligible for entry but must demonstrate a positive life impact upon the user.  Design concepts submitted my be products and services but must not be available for purchase by the public or have been fully developed.  Speculative concepts or including technologies or features that do no yet exist are acceptable.  Category is UN35

Champagne Design on a Beer Budget

This new award category recognizes excellence in interior design where the budget is under $35 square foot for both residentail and commercial interiors.  Category is CBBR01 and CBBC01

Retro Design for Residential and Commercial Projects in the Past

Do you have a residential or commercial  project that was completed 10 years ago? 20 years ago? Or more? This is the only category where projects need to be installed before June 30, 2021.  If you have photos and a floor plan of a project from years past that you would like to enter, here is your chance.  Good design lasts forever so let's see what you've got!

R20 Retro Residential Design in the Past

C20 Retro Commercial Design in the Past

Emerging Professionals Categories

These new award categories recognize excellence in interior design for the member who is within the first 5 years of ASID membership.

EMPR01 Residential Traditional Design

EMPR03 Residential Transitional Design

EMPR05 Residential Contemporary Design

EMPR07 Residential Traditional Bath Design

EMPR08 Residential Transitional Bath Design

EMPR09 Residential Contemporary Bath Design

EMPR10 Residential Traditional Kitchen Design

EMPR11 Residential Transitional Kitchen Design

EMPR12 Residential Contemporary Kitchen Design

EMPR23 Residential Product Design

EMPC01 Commercial Design


A panel of independent distinguished ASID interior design professionals in good standing from outside the  ASID Florida West Coast Chapter will review the entries anonymously and select category winners on the basis of the actual or intended impact of the completed project or product on how design impacts lives as stated in the Design Concept Statement.  Additional criteria include design creativity, function, solutions appropriate to the design challenges, scale and proportion, color and composition, lighting, materials and patterns.  All entries will be judged by the highest standards of our profession on their own through a point system.   ASID Florida West Coast reserves the right to not award a category if the projects submitted do not meet the high standards of the independent judging panel.  If the judges see a code violation on an entry, the entry may be rejected and not awarded.  ASID Florida West Coast reserves the right not to award a winner in any category. 

Judging Criteria
Rooms and Interiors Judging Score Criteria                                                                            Max Score

Design Concept Statement   (effective explanation of design criteria, goals & challenges)          10                                                                            

Presentation Skills/ Composition of Entry (concise, easy to understand, complete)                     10

Use of Space Planning to achieve Functional Objectives                                                              10

Appropriateness of Finishes & Furnishings to Use of Space                                                         10

Scale and Proportion of the Design                                                                                                10

Selection, Creative & Appropriate Use of Materials, Textures, Patterns & Color Composition       10

Effective Use of Lighting                                                                                                                 10

Attention to Detail (use of architectural elements, furnishings, art, accessories, fabrics, etc.)       10

Creativity in Problem Solving and Design Solutions                                                                       10

How the Design Impacts Lives                                                                                                        10

Total Possible Score                                                                                                                     100


Products and Elements Judging Score Criteria                                                                       Max Score

Effective Explanation of Design Criteria and Goals                                                                          10

Effective Explanation of Challenges                                                                                                 10

Quality and Clarity of Presentation (easy to understand, concise, and complete)                           10

Solutions Appropriate and Innovative to the Design Statement                                                       10

Cohesiveness of Design Elements and Principles                                                                           10

Scale and Proportion of Elements & Originality of Details                                                                10

Color Scheme and Composition                                                                                                       10

Appropriate and Functional Use of Materials                                                                                    10     

Creative Use of Materials                                                                                                                  10

How Design Impacts Lives                                                                                                                10

Total Possible Score                                                                                                                     100


Conceptual Design Judging Score Criteria                                                               Max Score       

Effective Explanation of Design Concept                                                                          10 

Effective Execution of Design Concept (how strongly the Concept drives product or service)       10

Quality and Clarity of Presentation (easy to understand, complete, concise)                                  10

How Overall Design Meets Stated Goals and Challenges                                                               10

Concept Innovation and Originality                                                                                                   10

How Concept Makes a Positive Design Impact upon User                                                               10

Cohesiveness of Design Elements and Principles                                                                            10

Technology behind the Concept                                                                                                        10

Materials utilized in Concept (enviromental impact, originality, creativity, & functionality)                 10

Quality and Clarity of Drawings and or Photographs                                                                         10                      

Total Possible Score                                                                                                                        100


  • ASID FLWC Chapter Professional, Allied, and Associate Members - $100 per entry, $100 for each subsequent entry (Please note a dinner ticket is not included this year.)
  • Emerging Professionals (5 or less years as a member of ASID) - $100 for the first entry, $100 for each subsequent entry (Please note a dinner ticket is not included this year.)
  • Students - $0 per entry
  • Industry Partners - $100 for the first entry, $100 for each subsequent entry  (Please note a dinner ticket is not included this year.)
  • ASID members from Chapters other than FLWC - $100 per entry
  • Non-ASID members - $100 per entry.


  • Awards will be presented at a Design Awards Gala either in Tampa, St Petersburg, or Sarasota usually in September of competition year. 
  • Winners are not notified beforehand so entrants should make every effort and are highly encouraged to attend the Awards Dinner.  If you cannot make the Awards Dinner, please send someone to accept your award in your place as awards will not be mailed.  It is important that you or someone else can accept the award in your place.

Contest Terms

  1. Submit a minimum of two high-resolution JPEG images. 
    • Photographs must be free of any identification.
    • Collages or before/after photos with multiple pictures in one are not allowed.
  2. Submit a floor plan in PDF format.
    • The plan must be free of any identification.  Drafting symbols such as section or elevation tags, distracting hatches or graphics, etc. should be removed.  When critical, provide dimensions.
    • Hand drawn and rendered plans will be accepted.
    • If your plan is not legible, you will be disqualified.
  3. Completed Entrant Forms A-C.
    • FORM A (Designer Identification – Concealed) is held by the Awards Chair to ensure that judging is anonymous.  The designer’s name and firm can only be on this form.
    • FORM B (Concept Statement) is your statement that discusses design challenges, design solutions, and unique aspects of the project.  Please limit to no more than 1000 words. An authorization of release which lets ASID Florida West Coast use information and photographs for publicity purposes, which certifies the client and photographer have given permission to enter the project and use photos, and which ensures that the project was created by the applicant is also part of this form.
    • FORM C (Statement for Master of Ceremonies) is your 50 word statement about your project that  may be used during the Design Awards Ceremony in September and for any subsequent press.

You can log in and out as many times as you need to upload all the competition entry information until the competition ending date.

Please feel free to print this important information.  It can be referred to during your submission process.

If you have any questions or concerns, please email:  Janet Davidsen, Allied ASID, Awards Chair at

2022 ASID Florida West Coast Design Competition - Call for Entries